Why Your Earthquake Kit Should Include A Solar Generator

Posted on: 29 May 2017

Being prepared for an earthquake is more important than ever. More areas in the United States are experiencing significant earthquakes than before, and the major fault lines are overdue for massive earthquakes. If you're putting together an earthquake kit, a solar generator should be on your list of tools to acquire. Read on to learn why a solar generator is so much more important than a traditional generator. Gasoline is Scarce in a Crisis
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Four Benefits Of Grilling With Propane Over Charcoal

Posted on: 18 May 2017

Summer is here, and it's time to pull out your grill. For some, that also means running to the store for charcoal, and for others, it means filling the propane tank or purchasing a new propane tank. Though charcoal grilling does create unique flavor, propane grilling is a better choice for many homeowners. Here are a few reasons why. Your grill will heat up faster. When you grill with charcoal, you have to light the coals and then wait at least 20 minutes, if not longer, for them to burn down enough for you to grill successfully.
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How Dirty Electricity Can Affect Your Electronics

Posted on: 24 April 2017

If you are having problems with your computer, then it could be dirty electricity. Your computer works by reading electronic impulses. Dirty electricity occurs when random pulses ride on your power wave. It causes your electricity to have different frequencies.  These random pulses enter your computer through its circuits, which results in your computer reading them as data. It is going to cause all kinds of performance issues for your computer.
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An Explanation Of 4 Modern Oil Drilling Methods

Posted on: 7 November 2014

Oil drilling is one of the most essential industries in the global economy. Ever since the first commercial oil well was drilled in 1859 in Venago County, Pennsylvania, technology has been advancing to make oil drilling safer and more efficient. Here is an explanation of four modern oil drilling methods that are in use today. Horizontal Drilling Horizontal drilling is a type of directional drilling that aims to access oil reserves with minimal impact on the surrounding environment.
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